10 // Pure Reason Revolution // Eupnea


Distressingly, it’s now been 14 years since Pure Reason Revolution released their debut album, the modern prog masterpiece The Dark Third. It’s an album I’ve counted as one of my very favourites ever since. But the two records that followed it were poor, and it’s now a decade since even the latter of those was released. On reuniting, Pure Reason Revolution made lots of the right noises about aiming for the sound and approach of The Dark Third with this comeback record. And while Eupnea isn’t on the same level as that (which would have been a big ask) – it is, by a distance, the closest they’ve come since. It starts dreamy, with ‘New Obsession’ initially soothing you toward the driving bassline that dominates its second half. The melancholic duet of ‘Maelstrom’ is just lovely, even in its heavier parts, while ‘Ghosts & Typhoons’ delivers the biggest punch of the record with some chunky on/off riffing. When it was announced I was both excited and apprehensive about Eupnea: turns out it was as good as could reasonably have been hoped for. It’s great to have them back and truly delivering again. [fun fact: at some point in the last 10 years Jon Courtney started to look quite a lot like a turtle.]