15 // Momma // Two of Me


Momma’s second record is an ambitious concept album, which perplexes lyrically and stretches the musical styles from which it borrows. Those musical threads reach back to the 90s, mixing the angular indie of Sleater Kinney or Cat Power with the more introspective end of the Seattle grunge scene. Two of Me is often a languid record, with drawled vocals and patches of mellow, building dread. To the extent that it has hooks, they are the type that worm rather than grab. Lyrically, good luck following the concept album narrative: a brawl at a provincial carnival that somehow results in various unsavoury folk being sent to the ‘Bug House’, a purgatory of sorts (I think). But it doesn’t really matter – the consistently weird lyrics certainly act to unsettle, and you don’t need to grasp the full narrative to benefit from the tone it creates. The result is a record that, while built on a few very familiar musical foundations, is thematically and sonically unique.